They call themselves “Briccole”, the long “bars”, exclusively made of oak. After the founding of Venice, they were rammed into the bottom of the lagoon to carry out the mooring of the ships and display the tidal state of the highest and deepest waters.

The “Briccole” are 12 to 18 m long and remain in the seawater and seabed for 20 to 25 years and are exposed to attacks and corrosion by shells and worm infestation, which weakens their consistency.
In general, they also corrode in conjunction with the tides and are then replaced by new poles. The molluscs / worms leave in the trunk inside typical passages and holes in various forms, which always suggests the corresponding depths and depths of the sea.

The “Briccole” obtained the color of antique oak in more or less intense tint and based on the number of years they were underwater in the lagoon.

In order to achieve a homogeneous color and characteristic during the processing, one should process only the part of the trunk, which was constantly under water.

At present, the demand and processing of this extraordinary type of wood / characteristic is increasing and we are marketing the lumber for high quality products (tables, furniture, interiors) and also to prevent such grandiose raw material as in the past from being easily disposed of.

The Briccol tribes have on average the following dimensions:
Diameter from 25 to 40 cm, length from 3.00 to 4.00 m


52 mm Briccole Schnittholz


52 mm Briccole Schnittholz


Hier ein paar Beispiele, wie man aus dem Rohmaterial wunderschöne “Eyecatcher” zaubern kann…

Tavola della Laguna 5
Tavola Briccole della laguna di Venezia 5
Tavola della Laguna 4
Tavola Briccole della laguna di Venezia 4
Tavola di Laguna 3
Tavola Briccole della laguna di Venezia 3


Pezzi della Laguna Guardaraba -Garderobe 3
Armadio Briccole della Laguna di Venezia 3
Pezzi della Laguna Guardaraba -Garderobe 2
Armadio Briccole della Laguna di Venezia 2
Pezzi della Laguna Guardaraba -Garderobe 1
Armadio Briccole della Laguna di Venezia 1